Saturday, December 16, 2006

In Pain

As I write this, I'm in alot of pain. I'm a night shift guy, writing this at 5:13 a.m., and I just woke up, so you know its pretty bad. Last thursday I woke up with a toothache. It wasnt too bad, I thought maybee I bit down in my sleep or something. As the shift went on, it was getting worse......and worse. I was going to work a couple hours overtime (I've been working alot of hours the past several weeks), but I couldnt take the pain. I took the asprin in the cabinet, and then more asprin, then more.....and it wasnt touching the pain.

I drove to McDonalds to buy a chocolate shake. My idea was to get cold on the tooth to ease the pain. Then I seen the wierd individual (see post below), and believe I heard spanish. So IT is Spanish, but sex is yet to be determined. The shake relieved some of the pain but for a very short time.

Then I drove to a Harris Teeter grocery store looking for some Ramen noodles (incase this is all I could eat) and some Ambesol. My hands are shaking a bit now and I'm hungry.....I'll continue in a few minutes....7:00 now. I found pinapple chunks, bit down on one and it hurt, even though I bit down on the left side. I cant bite down all the way or I'm screwed. Its very difficult eating like that, and it sux. The ambesol seems powerful, but it only effected the outside of the gums, not the inside of my tooth, so it gave no relief.

I got only a couple hours sleep even though I layed down over 12 hours. I called in work. It actually took alot of strength to get up shower and dress, because I was so tired. I found a dentist on the internet. I didnt get a dentist because I just moved to NC 14 months ago and no insurance. I got insurance now, thankfully. Initially I was getting answering machines. finally found a doc who answered and they excepted me in emergency at 2-2:30.

There was alot of pain filling out the forms and crap, I could barely do it. They took an X-ray and the dentist came in and explained. The problem is, I had a root canal and didnt go in to get it crowned. The tooth becomes dead because of no root and needs a covering or 'crown'. I put this off because someone said "I havnt got my tooth crowned for years". Since it was mad expensive I put it off. Big mistake. My tooth has a horizontal fracture and is held up by a metal post. There is tremendous pressure and acidic buildup in the infection. I have to be on antibiotics to kill the infection before he can do anything.

So I left with a prescription for penicillin and powerful pain killers. As I drove I couldnt take the pain and almost got lost. Found my way back and drove through horrid traffic to a McDonalds to by a shake to ease the pain. I got to Harris Teeter and waited for the prescription to be filled out. Amazing how 15 minutes can seem so long. I bought popsicles too.

The Painkillers took away about 70% of the pain, much more manageable. But its getting me dizzy and so I have to cut back. THis sux. So my options are to remove the tooth for 100 bucks, or have him restore it for 1000. minus insurance. Since the tooth is a mess, and it seems like I could have problems down the line and its way in the back, I elected to have it removed Monday morning. I'll probably be to dizzy for work monday.

moral of the story: when you get a root canal, dont put off the crown more then 3-4 months!


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