Friday, October 06, 2006

Disaster at Apex

Well today at work was supposed to be big. The #2 boss was going to talk to me, in regards to hiring me permanently from Skillforce. I've been there 10 weeks and it was time for the review. Also, yesterday I got (asked) to move to nights starting monday.

So far, I have never missed a day of work at Madern, and have never been late. So this morning comes along, and I'm doing o.k. on time, should have 5-10 minutes to spare normally. As I pull into the exit for my work, the cops are blaring lights and have the entire exit blockaded! I couldnt believe it, and knew that I was going to be late now, for the first time, AND on the day of my REVIEW!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!

I dont know the area very well and its pitch black out, so I have no idea how to ge to work now. I pull into the next exit and notice to the right, that the side road is blockaded by more cops. Then I turn around and go back North bound on Route 1 and figure I would take the exit that way. Wrong, blockaded too. Then I go to the next exit on that direction and it was another expressway leading way out of the way!

Then I work my way back and I go southbound very far, only to end up in no mans land and lost a bit. I needed to relax, so I pulled into a gas station, got some coffee and a moon pie. and made my trek back again, hoping to make some headway.

I turned on the radio and heard "and if you try to make it into Apex downtown, you may be arrested......several schools are now closed.....medical facilities are closed....." Later I hear that there was HUGE chemical explosions and Apex is being evacuated! Then it rained HARD and traffic was all backed up. It felt like I was in some movie, or a nightmare. Apex is where I work and now I need to get the heck outa there.

I head home and turn on the t.v. and watch all the updates. I call in to work and apparently its closed. I fell asleep for 3 hours too. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...I've read this post several times - update please :)

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exciting drama!!!! Kept me on the edge of my seat. Please keep it coming.

8:34 PM  

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